Man standing by a tree on a grassy area
Patrick H. Brown, pictured here, and Cai-Zhong Jiang have been recognized by the American Society for Horticultural Science for their contributions to the field. (Courtesy Patrick H. Brown)

Brown and Jiang honored by ASHS

Ferguson: “Nominate a colleague!”

A Man
Cai-Zhong Jiang is an adjunct professor in the Department of Plant Sciences. (UC Davis)

Patrick H. Brown and Cai-Zhong Jiang have been recognized by the American Society of Horticultural Science. Brown was awarded the 2024 Outstanding Researcher Award, and Jiang was named a fellow of the society. 

Brown is a distinguished professor in the UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences. His lab researches plant nutrition and physiology, with an emphasis on soil minerals; tree nuts are another area of focus. Brown and his team have “laid the foundation for sustainable use of plant nutrients in California and around the world,” Brown said.

“To be recognized by the leading global organization for horticultural sciences is a great honor,” Brown added. The award “recognizes the contributions made by many students and colleagues with whom I have collaborated over the past 30 years.” The Outstanding Researcher Award lauds horticulturalists who have been active in the field for longer than a decade.

Jiang is an adjunct professor in the department and a research scientist with the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service. He studies the signaling pathways that cause crop plants to ripen, and plants’ response to stress. ASHS fellows are recognized for their contributions to the field.

The two men will be formally fêted during the society’s annual conference starting Sept. 23 in Honolulu.

More opportunities for recognition

Louise Ferguson, a professor of Cooperative Extension in the department and former president of ASHS, nominated Brown and wrote a letter of support for Jiang. 

“When I served as president of the ASHS, I noticed the awards were often concentrated among a few universities,” Ferguson said. “I later learned some schools encourage their faculty to nominate colleagues. Considering the accomplishments of our own faculty, I encourage all of us to consider nominating a deserving colleague.”

The list of ASHS awards can be seen here.

Ferguson herself was recently promoted to the highest level possible for CE faculty. The level is akin to the “distinguished professor” rank for faculty in the Academic Senate.

Media Resources

  • Trina Kleist, UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences,, (530) 754-6148 or (530) 601-6846

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